Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Next-Generation Instrument Google Map

Next-Generation Instrument Google Map

A map of NGS Instruments from around the world can be found my following the link above.  This map is far from complete, so if you know of or have not included a sequencing facility, please add it to this map.  It is amazing the number of sequencers in the field compared to only a few years ago.  It is also surprising that given this global sequencing capacity, less than 20 whole genome human genomes have been published.  There are an infinite number of other fun projects that do not involve human resequencing, but would it not be fun to truly have the 1000 Genomes Project completed to a high depth (more than 60X)?

I would say it is a pretty poor showing from Africa and Antartica, although BGI and BIG in China are not well reported (128 Illumina HighSeqs anyone?).  The one sequencer farther from any other seems to be the one located at the "Full-screen Institute for Chemical Biology and Fundamental Medicine".